
MP High Court Recruitment 2013 and Online Application Form

MP High Court Recruitment 2013: Latest vacancies in Madhya Pradesh High court a government job of stenographer recently released notification. Interested enthusiastic candidates who possess the eligibility as mention below can send their application form on and before 19 February 2013.

MP High Court Vacancies 2013 details:
Official site:
Post name: Stenographer
Total Number of vacancies: 70
(stenographer GR. II) 32
(stenographer GR. III)36
(stenographer GR. III) 02
Education required: HSC/+ 2 or Equivalent
Age limit: About 18 years

Important dates: 
Start of availability of form: 10/01/2013
Last date of application form: 19th/February/2013
Stenographer Exam Date: 24 April 2013

Salary: Candidates will be recruited on the contract basis:
(Stenographer GR. 2): Rs.5200 - 20200 + 2800
(Stenographer GR. 3): Rs.5200 -20200 + 2400
(Stenographer GR. 3): Rs. 11000

Selection procedure: The basis of the selection process is written exam from MP high court job, so be prepared for it can clinch this opportunity.

How can I apply? Firstly candidates needs to download MP High court application form from the official website Then complete the form in all respect do remember that partially filled or incomplete form will be rejected. After filling-up completely speed post at the following address:

Principal Registrar (Exam), Administration Building, MP High Court, Jabalpur (MP),
Pin code - 482001

Do comment if you have any queries we love to help you out do share this with your friends about this MP recruitment 2013. Further we recommend you to visit the official notification for detailed information and online application form.